Question: Paytm SDE | Online Round | Set-1 | 18-08-2020
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Paytm Visited Thapar Institute , Patiala on 18-08-2020.

Online Round

3 Coding Questions :-

Problem 1

Given Sequence
1 1 2
1 1 2 1 2 3
1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4
Find the sum of first N terms.

Problem 2

In an array of even length rearrange the elements such that even elements occur at even indices (0,2,4,...) and odd elements occur at odd indices (1,3,5,....).
It is guaranteed that no of odd elements is equal to no of even elements.
You must maintain the relative order of both even and odd elements among themselves.
Also you must not use any extra space.

Problem 3

Given reference to roots of 2 trees find whether 2nd is a subtree of 1st .
If yes return the no of nodes in the subtree.

ADD COMMENTlink 4.6 years ago Shubhendu Goel • 450

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